All programs are NOT created equal

They are customized for YOU

Why follow a cookie cutter model when you aren't a cookie cutter person?

In our discovery call, we will build a program specifically for you.

Program Outline

6 x 2-hour Zoom Calls

6 x 30-min Phone Calls

Customized Action Plan Delivered Weekly

24/7 Text Access to Me

Buy Now

Example Program

Week 1

Goal Setting + Mindset

  • Where are you?
  • Where do you want to be?
  • How do you view yourself?
  • "Person in the Mirror" exercises
  • Short-Term vs. Long-Term Goals

Week 2

Getting the Date

  • Day Game vs. Night Game
  • Escalation Techniques
  • "A Whole New World" (one of my BEST techniques to spark sexual attraction)

Week 3

Dating Apps

  • Why use Dating Apps?
  • Choosing your apps: Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, Seeking Arrangement, etc.
  • Setup profile together with Photos, Bio, Prompts 
  • Landing multiple dates a week
  • 5 for 5 (my SECRET method to GUARANTEEING dates)

Week 4

Text Messaging 101

  • The CORRECT approach to texting
  • Good vs. Bad interaction examples
  • Review of your previous interactions

Week 5

Progress Check

  • Review interactions from Weeks 1-4
  • Identify pain points
  • Q&A based on your struggles

Week 6

Advanced Techniques

  • Dating multiple women at once
  • Direct to home dates (no more dinners, coffee, or other wastes of time and money)
  • Identifying who to pursue for long-term relationships
  • Red Flags to watch for
  • Set an action plan for the future

Who is Huds?

Growing up, I knew nothing about dating.

I was the typical nerd who enjoyed playing video games rather than go out and socialize.

When I turned 18, that all changed.

I was sick and tired of watching other men succeed with women while I stood on the sidelines.

I wanted CHOICE.

Through extensive trial-and-error, I figured out what makes women TICK.

Among other things...

  • How to attract 9's and 10's
  • How to land first night lays
  • How to date multiple women at once
  • How to settle down with the right girl
  • How to keep the FIRE alive long-term



Typically, I charge $1997 for this intensive program

12+ hours of Zoom calls

3+ hours of phone calls

24/7 access to me via text

Plus many other BONUSES I keep behind the paywall for reason...


I've kept this boot camp under wraps for quite some time.

Many people have been through it, but they've kept their lips sealed.

However, I want to make it more accessible to others.

For a limited time I am DISCOUNTING my boot camp so I can help more men CONQUER dating in the ways my clients already have.



That's HALF the normal price.

But this price will not be around for long.

The VALUE you receive from my program makes this price a JOKE.

But I don't care.

I do this to CHANGE LIVES, not to make a living.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this $997?

Many people look at this price and think, "that much for dating advice is ridiculous!"

However, these are the same people that consistently spend $200+ on dates without getting a call back.

Why continue chasing your tail when you can INVEST IN YOURSELF and save TIME and MONEY for the rest of your life?

It seems simple to me.

What if after 6 weeks I'm not satisfied?

I pride myself in doing this because I CARE, not because I'm trying to make money.

As all of my previous clients can attest to, I work with you until you're on the right track.

We'll extend Zoom calls, add additional ones, take weeks off, etc. as needed so that you end up on the right path at the pace necessary for YOU.

Is this just another pickup course?

Not in the slightest. Getting laid is easy.

Developing happy, healthy, long-lasting relationships is difficult.

My goal is for you to get what you want out of this program.

If you want to get laid, great.

I can do that.

If you want to get a girlfriend, great.

I can do that.

If you want to fix your relationship, great.

I can do that.


Besides, my client testimonials speak for themselves.


Age 35


Age 25


Age 32


Age 43


Age 30


Age 31


Order Summary
6 Week Bootcamp